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1054 - Unknown column 'p.products_id' in 'on clause' Error


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I'm hoping that someone on here can help me. I've been editing a few files on our website at www.prosound-dj.com and I have managed to screw something up.

I've spent the best part of 12 hours to correct this to no avail. The error I get is:-


1054 - Unknown column 'p.products_id' in 'on clause'


select pd.products_name, p.products_model, p.products_image, p.products_id, p.manufacturers_id, p.products_price, p.products_weight, p.products_price1,p.products_price2,p.products_price3,p.products_price4, p.products_price5,p.products_price6,p.products_price7,p.products_price8, p.products_price1_qty,p.products_price2_qty,p.products_price3_qty,p.products_price4_qty, p.products_price5_qty,p.products_price6_qty,p.products_price7_qty,p.products_price8_qty, p.products_qty_blocks, p.products_tax_class_id, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price from products_description pd, products p left join manufacturers m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id, products_to_categories p2c left join specials s on p.products_id = s.products_id where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = '1059' and pd.products_id = '1059' and pd.language_id = '1'




The error only appears when I try to add a product to the shopping cart. I can access account information, log in, view products, etc but cannot add an item to the shopping cart. I can see my shopping cart which is empty but cannot add products to it. Everything was working fine until yesterday but I can't see where I have gone wrong. The files I have changed are as follows:-













All of the other files are untouched. I've downloaded my SQL database and opened it in Excel. The products_id column appears to be there so any help that anyone can give would be much appreciated.


Many Thanks




so many topics about the


1054 - Unknown column 'p.products_id' in 'on clause' Error

do the google search, if don't know how to use oscommerce forum search.

Please read this line: Do you want to find all the answers to your questions? click here. As for contribution database it's located here!

8 people out of 10 don't bother to read installation manuals. I can recommend: if you can't read the installation manual, don't bother to install any contribution yourself.

Before installing contribution or editing/updating/deleting any files, do the full backup, it will save to you & everyone here on the forum time to fix your issues.

Any issues with oscommerce, I am here to help you.



I'm hoping that someone on here can help me. I've been editing a few files on our website at www.prosound-dj.com and I have managed to screw something up.

I've spent the best part of 12 hours to correct this to no avail. The error I get is:-


1054 - Unknown column 'p.products_id' in 'on clause'


select pd.products_name, p.products_model, p.products_image, p.products_id, p.manufacturers_id, p.products_price, p.products_weight, p.products_price1,p.products_price2,p.products_price3,p.products_price4, p.products_price5,p.products_price6,p.products_price7,p.products_price8, p.products_price1_qty,p.products_price2_qty,p.products_price3_qty,p.products_price4_qty, p.products_price5_qty,p.products_price6_qty,p.products_price7_qty,p.products_price8_qty, p.products_qty_blocks, p.products_tax_class_id, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price from products_description pd, products p left join manufacturers m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id, products_to_categories p2c left join specials s on p.products_id = s.products_id where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = '1059' and pd.products_id = '1059' and pd.language_id = '1'




The error only appears when I try to add a product to the shopping cart. I can access account information, log in, view products, etc but cannot add an item to the shopping cart. I can see my shopping cart which is empty but cannot add products to it. Everything was working fine until yesterday but I can't see where I have gone wrong. The files I have changed are as follows:-













All of the other files are untouched. I've downloaded my SQL database and opened it in Excel. The products_id column appears to be there so any help that anyone can give would be much appreciated.


Many Thanks



When your sql version is 5 or higher some of the oscommerce sql queries will not work.

So just google or search on this forum for mysql5 oscommerce patches.


or for this specific query:

select pd.products_name, p.products_model, p.products_image, p.products_id, p.manufacturers_id, p.products_price, p.products_weight, p.products_price1,p.products_price2,p.products_price3,p.products_price4, p.products_price5,p.products_price6,p.products_price7,p.products_price8, p.products_price1_qty,p.products_price2_qty,p.products_price3_qty,p.products_price4_qty, p.products_price5_qty,p.products_price6_qty,p.products_price7_qty,p.products_price8_qty, p.products_qty_blocks, p.products_tax_class_id, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price from products_description pd, products p left join manufacturers m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id, products_to_categories p2c left join specials s on p.products_id = s.products_id where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = '1059' and pd.products_id = '1059' and pd.language_id = '1'




Replace the above query with following query




select pd.products_name, p.products_model, p.products_image, p.products_id, p.manufacturers_id, p.products_price, p.products_weight, p.products_price1,p.products_price2,p.products_price3,p.products_price4, p.products_price5,p.products_price6,p.products_price7,p.products_price8, p.products_price1_qty,p.products_price2_qty,p.products_price3_qty,p.products_price4_qty, p.products_price5_qty,p.products_price6_qty,p.products_price7_qty,p.products_price8_qty, p.products_qty_blocks, p.products_tax_class_id, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price from products_description pd, products p left join manufacturers m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id, products_to_categories p2c left join specials s on p2c.products_id = s.products_id where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = '1059' and pd.products_id = '1059' and pd.language_id = '1'





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