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Hi @all!


I'm trying to move my shop from his actual server to a new server.

I already copied the Files, set the permissions and copied the database.


The startpage of the shop works fine, it shows me all my categories in the category-box.

But if I click on a category-link, nothing happens except reloading the startpage. If I try an URL to an existing product (for example xxx/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=1456), the shop says "product not found".


On the Adminsite, there are some other problems:

1. some of language-words are not found. It seems that all the entries which are in the file admin/includes/languaes/german/index.php are not found. But this file has the right permissions, so I can't understand that.

2. I can't change the config-entries. oscommerce shows me the entries, but is isn't possible to change them.


It seems to me that the database-connection works, but perhaps some query-statements don't work?!

I tried to reinstall the shop, but after /install.php?step=2, the install still stopps and only reloads this site.


Has anyone an idea which is my problem?

Is the mysql-version wrong (Client API version 5.0.77)? Or php (5.1.6)? Or something else?


The direct Shop-URL is http://kleine-fotoschmiede.dyndns.org/fotoschmiede/oscommerce/catalog


Has anyone an idea which is my problem?

Looks like you have a problem with register globals fix (you haven't added that) that came with one of the RC versions of osCommerce. That fix makes sure that the super globals like $_POST and $_GET values are copied to the $HTTP_POST_VARS and $HTTP_GET_VARS that are used in osCommerce.


The "register globals" fix is separate from the "long array name" fix, although both appeared at about the same time. Most PHP installations turn off register global variables by default, as they are considered a security hazard. They are scheduled to go away some time around PHP 6.0, so it's best to fix your code not to depend on register global variables (rather than overriding PHP and turning them back on). The thing to do is to use the proper method of passing data from script to script via $HTTP_POST_VARS and $HTTP_GET_VARS, or, in their more modern form, $_POST and $_GET. The problem here is that osC chose to use the older forms, and now PHP has gotten rid of the old forms ($HTTP_*_VARS). There is a fix for creating such arrays from $_POST and $_GET, if only the latter are found to exist (the "compatibility layer"). Two separate (but related) problems due to changes in PHP, and both are needed if your osC is old enough (2.2 MS2 or earlier). I haven't looked at the add-on packages in detail to see if one covers both fixes.


PHP 6 would be a long wait as it's been shelved :D


I tried to turn on register_globes in my php-installation (without chaning anything in osc). But osc doesn't work yet. Are you sure that this adjustment is my problem?


I tried to turn on register_globes in my php-installation (without chaning anything in osc). But osc doesn't work yet. Are you sure that this adjustment is my problem?

At least one of your problems. If I go to your site and use advanced_search, type in a word and hit search it tells me I need to type in a search term. So yes, I think so.


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