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Help cPanel and contents gone wonky


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Can anyone help me with a little problem.

All of a sudden today my cPanel has gone strange, showing what looks like code in place of links and once I get past that I am unable to add, or edit a product because the categories do not unfold to display the category contents.

I have been using oscommerce for about four years and have never seen this.

Be grateful for any advice





Can anyone help me with a little problem.

All of a sudden today my cPanel has gone strange, showing what looks like code in place of links and once I get past that I am unable to add, or edit a product because the categories do not unfold to display the category contents.

I have been using oscommerce for about four years and have never seen this.

Be grateful for any advice




Posting here won't help you, contact your hosts or if not post on the cPanel forums.


Or do you not mean cPanel at all and mean the osCommerce administration panel?



Can anyone help me with a little problem.

All of a sudden today my cPanel has gone strange, showing what looks like code in place of links and once I get past that I am unable to add, or edit a product because the categories do not unfold to display the category contents.

I have been using oscommerce for about four years and have never seen this.

Be grateful for any advice




I would initially suggest ( based on limited info ) that your host has upgraded the php version.


Most often when seeing code on clients sites where it should be e.g. links or text it tends to be the use of short tags <? as opposed to the correct <?php and if short tags are off in php,ini then the code is not parsed by php but is simply output to screen.


If you didn't change anything to make this happen there is a chance you're the victim of a poorly coded hack.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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