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Some help with XML and PHP....


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I'm wondering if there is a way to take a specific element in an XML file that is generated and add the element into the order confirmation email that oscommerce sends when an order had been made.


Thank you in advance


If the XML is being generated by the oscommerce script, then the same info can be generated for the email. You need to give more information.


The XML is being generated by the distributor. So essentially the element would need to be defined as a wildcard or temp variable and that would need to be displayed within the email.


Hmm, no one is able to help out? I might still be a little vague on what I need...let me see if I can explain it a little better....


Someone puts an order in, oSC sends the order xml to the distributor, what I need is for it to send a second xml at some point to get the tracking number from the distributor and be able to email that to the client.


I've been looking for about the past two days and no idea how to get it to work so any help would be amazing.



Thank you in advance.


P.S If anyone could also help me out in setting it up to query the inventory from the distributor once a day as well, that would awesome.


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