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Problem with Product Attributes


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Hi guys

I'm having a problem with the Product Attributes function.

Any attribute I create and apply displays a line of code in the Available Options dropdown box on the product_info page.


This is a link to an example on my site:






So instead of the options showing as just 4Gb, for example, it is showing a whole line of <a href.......


Available Options:

Memory: upgrade to 4Gb (<a href="http://kerikeri.com/scottronic/account.php" target="_self"><font color="#85bf00">Log in to see pricing</font></a>)no upgrade


Warranty: no upgradeupgrade to 3 years (<a href="http://kerikeri.com/scottronic/account.php" target="_self"><font color="#85bf00">Log in to see pricing</font></a>)



Any help would be much appreciated :-)


PS - I should have mentioned that the above code error only displays when you are not logged in, so while pricing is hidden.

When logged in the options display as they should.




thanks :-)




It would appear you have installed a contribution so that prices are only displayed to logged in users. Check the code edits for that contribution as it would appear you applied them incorrectly.






Awesome ! thanks Chris

the problem was in my "Prices for Logged-In Users Only v5" add-on module




3. In includes/languages/english.php





// Start Prices for Logged-In Users Only v5

define('TEXT_LOG_IN_TO_SEE_PRICE', 'Please log in to see prices');

// End Prices for Logged-In Users Only v5



resolved, thank you very much :-))


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