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Moving Payment from Website to Paypal


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Dear all,


Hello, I'm working on a site that was set up with OSCommerce, but I'm unfortunately unfamiliar with the program's workings. I've nosed around on the forums and in the backend UI, but can't find an answer to what I think is probably a simple question.


The site I'm working on currently has all payments go directly through the site, another merchant account is processing the credit cards, and I'd like to have Paypal do this instead. Is there an easy way to achieve this? Is it possible to achieve this?


If I missed the FAQ post on this, or another forum post, my apologies, I did look around for an answer.


My thanks,




Hi look in your admin . Modules . Payment you will see the papal modules there select the one you want and click on install then enter your details.

You will find more papal modules in the admin section.


Sometimes you're the dog and sometimes the lamp post


My Contributions


Hello! Thanks for your suggestion, I did what you proposed and in doing so found out a rather troubling problem -- there are no modules displaying! The only thing displayed in the Modules>Payment section is the path for the directory for the modules. I followed that path and found the folder in my FTP program and found quite a few .php files inside it, and yet those files were not apparently being displayed properly. They're uploaded to the proper site, and the folder structure is exactly what the OSCommerce backend is looking for, yet they don't seem to be connecting.


Anyone have any ideas why the folder wouldn't display its contents in the backend area?


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