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No order confimratio email sent to customers which file to edit


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I am having problem with my customer not receiving any order confirmation email when they use moneybookers. The confirmation email is only sent when paypal is used. I tried searching on internet everywhere for this problem but didn't get any answer for this problem.

Someone please help!


you need to modify the checkout_process.php file, change the following code:


to mail() php function as I have noticed that the oscommerce mail function on some web hosts doesn't work.

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you need to modify the checkout_process.php file, change the following code:


to mail() php function as I have noticed that the oscommerce mail function on some web hosts doesn't work.


I tried above method but it doesn't seems to be working. I am attaching the photo below. You can see the red cross next to "processing" there should be a green tick meaning customer should get an order confirmation email once they successfully place an order on site. This problem is only occurs when the moneybooers payment option is chosen as payment method. The second photo shown that customer is notified after placing an order but that's when they used paypal. So is this the problem with moneybookers module?


Moneybookers Used(credit/debit card payment)



Paypal Used




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