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How to track the total amount of order?


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Dear all,

Could anyone tell how to track the amount of moneys every order. I have uesd the Google analytic Goal tracking code and success to track the number of order. However, I would like to check the exact amount of money to every order.


Where should I place the code in checkout_success.php , or need I amend any code in the php. Please help me. Thanks


The exact amount shows up in admin->Customers->Orders. There are also report contributions that will allow you see the total of multiple orders at once.


Thanks Jack. however, maybe I should i would like to see the total amount lead from the campagine like Google adwords and COmparision site like shopping.com.


If you haven't installed the google analytics contribution into the checkout success page, you can do that and enable conversion tracking in your google account. I don't know if shopping.com has such a feature. But with that code installed, the total of the order is easily available and you can store it as you like. Though that wouldn't separate where the orders came from so may not do what you want.

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