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Totally failed installation on UNIX server...


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Hi all,


I posted to this forum last week, and despite one reference to a previous post I have not been able to get my installation of osCommerse working on a NetBSD based server, which is hosted by my Internet provider.


I've been developing my site using a Windows 2000 laptop, with a simple installation of Apache and PHP, by chance my laptop is running the same versions of software (except for them either being NetBSD or Windows builds) as the providers server!


The installation goes very smoothly on my Windows laptop, the installation on the providers server seems to go without problems, however when you then complete the installation script and visit the site for the first time I get the following two errors:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_rand() in /usr/export/home/surftec/shop/includes/classes/sessions.php on line 446


Warning: Variable passed to reset() is not an array or object in /usr/export/home/surftec/shop/includes/classes/sessions.php on line 195


Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /usr/export/home/surftec/shop/includes/classes/sessions.php on line 195


I'm desperate to get beyond this problem, it has me completely stumped, can anyone provide help in configuring this installation, payment for someones successful services is being offered!


The site can be seen at:




Thanks, Neil...

Neil Farnham-Smith, Surftec Ltd

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Is that the real absolute path to your shop? Seems kind of oddball. I'm an OpenBSD user, not a NetBSD user, so it may be right. Just a thought.

Unexpect the Expected

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Hi Neil,

Have you created a tmp directory in your server root.

If you don't have access there ask your server to do this.

Your sessions are processed in 'tmp' directory. :)




Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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There is a tmp directory in the root of my own area on their server.


When I look in it there are many files starting with "sess" then a long code.


They are owned by www so I cannot delete them, and I can't be sure they weren't created by a previous installaion of TEP 1.1?


There seems to be over 200 of them, and I've not visited this new installation more than 40 times!


Thanks for the suggestion, it seems you have put me on the correct line of investigation.


Many thanks!

Neil Farnham-Smith, Surftec Ltd

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line 195

$ret .= $session->vars[$i] . $session->delimiter_value . serialize($GLOBALS[$session->vars[$i]]) . $session->delimiter;


line 442 to 449

// Check if we should clean up (call the garbage collection routines)

if ($session->gc_probability > 0) {

$randmax = getrandmax();

$nrand = (int)(100 * tep_rand() / $randmax);

if ($nrand < $session->gc_probability) {





Check the version of PHP - older versions of 4.3 are 'creating issues' :roll:

Are Globals on :idea:


Good luck :!:




Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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