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Session is removed when clicking "Top"


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I have a small problem:


Whenever I/my customers click on "top" in my store (Top » Catalog » Software » Simulation) the sessionID is lost, which I want to change.

I guess I just have to add "$sid$" at the end of the link? but my problem is also I have no idea where to locate this link? in which file/directory should I look?


That wont do anything, the session syntax is $_session then you must define it, but it already is so you need to backtrack any addons or changes that have been done to your store to make this happen.

The call is written into your includes / application top starts at line 465 (STD OSC)


 $breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_TOP, HTTP_SERVER); 


Is it a template you have?


a URL would be good also please


Sometimes you're the dog and sometimes the lamp post


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If your cookie paths in the config file are '/catalog/' try making them '/'.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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This is just a test site I am using: test forum

But at the top left corner the link called "Forside" will give the customer a new sessionID, and if logged in it will log the person off (on the actual shop).


I can't link to the real shop since it is only running on a local server, but I have used STS and installed a danish language pack.

Also I used one of the premade templates in STS (the free60), to create my own design from.


So if anyone knows how to fix this?


Edit: Of course this forum doesn't have the sessionID's :S


In this case its going to be impossible to provide any help, other than what Jim has already mentions on the configure file.

You would normally loose the session id via a poorly constructed link more often than not found in poorly coded templates.


Sometimes you're the dog and sometimes the lamp post


My Contributions


In my config file it says:

define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/');


But I forgot to mention that the "top" link is located under $content$ (when using STS) I don't know if this provides any help


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