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QQ: What contribution modifies the advanced search page to..


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I'm trying to find a contribution and no luck with my searches. I'm looking for the one that puts a "email us box" when the product is not found on the advanced_search_results.php page.


I need to do some modifications but don't have the original module on this computer and would like to find it again.


If anybody knows which one I'm talking about I'd appreciate the help or link to it.


Thank you,



I'm trying to find a contribution and no luck with my searches. I'm looking for the one that puts a "email us box" when the product is not found on the advanced_search_results.php page.


I need to do some modifications but don't have the original module on this computer and would like to find it again.


If anybody knows which one I'm talking about I'd appreciate the help or link to it.


Thank you,




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