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The e-commerce.

distro support... debian or redhat, etc


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I couldn't find an oscommerce.deb package.

Is there a reason that the shopping cart packages (and add-ons) can't be found

as .deb or .rpm packages? licensing? complexity? something else??





Why do you specifically need a Debian install package? Or a Red Hat (.rpm) for that matter? Unlike most installable software, nothing needs to be compiled or linked or "make"d -- simply unpack the archive (.zip) into place and you're done with everything that can be automated (you still need to do some configuration edits). A .zip file is more or less like a tarball (.tgz, etc.) and .zip is directly supported by most servers (if not, unzip on a Windows PC and upload the files individually). For those poor benighted souls on Windows servers, .zip works fine there too. In short, there's no need to support a number of different archive formats -- .zip does it all sufficiently well for what's needed.


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