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The e-commerce.

Installation Problem


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ok, i've done this before, had a store up and going on my old site, but when i changed my hosting plan, things are different, must have been an older version of php on my old site, cause i got nothing but errors when i tried to open my store in the new site, so upon research, found in the forums that i have to download the latest version of oscommerce and put it up there. so i created my database thru my website control panel, started the install of oscommerce, went well until the end where i get the option to go to administrator or catalog, when i go to administration, it just tells me unable to connect to database. any ideas?


Here's additional info:


upon starting the install, i put in the Database server, the user name, the password, and the name of the database file. all is good, tells me that the database was inported successfully.

the next screen asks me for the web address of the online store, so i put that in: http://www.mywebsite.com/catalog

now the webserver root directory. not being a big webdesigner, thats just a tad bit confusing to me, so i've tried: http://192.XXX.XX.XXX (my website ipaddress) ive also tried http://www.mywesite.com/public_html as well as www.mywebsite.com as well as just webroot, and /webroot.


i get the message that The installation and configuration was successful! and also the message that says Finished!


im like heck ya, im off and running till i click the Administration tool button and get: Unable to connect to database server!


thats all, i copied and pasted that, there is no additional information


and when i go back into catalog again, it gives the install screen again

what the heck am i doing wrong? its a fresh download from the oscommerce site, the latest version, (not the beta) unzipped and ftp'd up to my site.


The web server root directory usually looks like this:





You can find this information by using your cPanel -> File Manager and browse to the directory where your base files are. There is usually a text box with the 'path' to the directory. That should be it.

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The web address is filled in for you by the script, i have neven known it not to be.

To find your absolute path, create a new php file and add this code


<?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; ?>


then upload it to your web space and call it in your browser.



Sometimes you're the dog and sometimes the lamp post


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Thank you nick, i did what you said and it gave me back D:\web\c***** the c*****being my database name. I see what happened after i did what you said. The first time i tried to configure oscommerce, i hadn't created my database yet, and thats what was in the web root directory by default. Since then, i've deleted the catalog directory from my site, reuploaded it, and tried it again. This time it showed the D:/web/c*** in the webroot directory again, but i changed it to /webroot/catalog and got the same error again. Im sure the problem is in the location that im putting in the webroot directory. I think why it showed the d:/ in the webroot directory by default is a caching issue in my computer, unless something is saved to the root directory on the web server? In addition, could there be a permissions issue in my database? there are so many options on the database, and i know so little about it..


Thank you nick, i did what you said and it gave me back D:\web\c***** the c*****being my database name. I see what happened after i did what you said. The first time i tried to configure oscommerce, i hadn't created my database yet, and thats what was in the web root directory by default. Since then, i've deleted the catalog directory from my site, reuploaded it, and tried it again. This time it showed the D:/web/c*** in the webroot directory again, but i changed it to /webroot/catalog and got the same error again. Im sure the problem is in the location that im putting in the webroot directory. I think why it showed the d:/ in the webroot directory by default is a caching issue in my computer, unless something is saved to the root directory on the web server? In addition, could there be a permissions issue in my database? there are so many options on the database, and i know so little about it..





Are we talking about which directory in which to place your store?

If you are in any doubt, and due to different server set ups you will need to ask your host to be 100%


Sometimes you're the dog and sometimes the lamp post


My Contributions


It appears its a permission issue on my server. I just switched hosting plans, my previous plan was a linux server while now my server is a windows server. So from what im understanding from my support people is that on my old server, that everything had write permissions unless i changed them myself, so now its the other way around, everything is read only till i change it myself. so here's my question. What directories specifically do i need to open up for the store to install and function normally, or do i need to add read/write permissions to the whole catalog directory?


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