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Quantities with different Colors


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Is there a way to add a quantity number to each color of a product? We have several of the same products with different colors, but different quantities of each color. We want to make sure that when some one orders a certain color it will show if it is in or out of stock depending on the quantity. So far we have been putting each product with a multiple color in a category and then each color as a product under that category. It is very time consuming, is there an easier way?




QTpro v1.0 - Quantity Tracking Professional


Quantity Tracking Professional Module now allows you to keep track of stock of products and options.


You have one product, but different sizes and colors and need a solution to set quantity for this. QTpro fixes this.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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