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So, as I stated on the Mercury thread, I installed the PlugnPay Payment Module. On the Payment information page, the credit card information blanks show up nicely. They can be filled in and everything stays filled in. Hit continue. On to the Order Confirmation Page. Everything looks good. Hit continue again to complete the sale and go to the finish page, but instead it puts me back to the payment information page with he error message "Your authorization was declined. Please try another card. -- Card number missing" and all of the credit card information reset.


Anybody have any idea where to start looking for the error?


I am using the dummy Credit Card Information of Visa 4111 1111 1111 1111 CVV 123 8/20/2013 per instructions.



Posted (edited)



The dummy account does not work all the time. Use a real credit card to make a test transaction. Also, before you start to think about accepting credits cards on your website, you should look into PCI DSS compliance in your country/state as sometimes the cost is more than it's worth.





Edited by DunWeb

i tried it with a real number and got the same result. So back to the drawing board


What is PCI DSS? New set of initials I've not seen before.


and how is accepting credit cards online different than accepting them in our store?


Educate me please.




I forgot that I have been running the test cards in debug mode. I have data from each run that I don't understand that may help someone else help me fix this problem. The last run was as follows:


PREAUTH: publisher_name=fabriholic&publisher_email=ordercon%40fabriholicsforever.com&mode=auth&convert=underscores&easycart=1&shipinfo=1&client=osCommerce_API&authtype=authpostauth&card_amount=30.17&currency=USD&currency_value=1.00000000&dontsndmail=yes&order_id=2&orderID=23&card_name=Julie+Bunker&card_company=&card_address1=650+6th+Ave+N+%231&card_city=Payette&card_state=ID&card_zip=83661&card_country=United+States&phone=208-642-3516&email=weaverlizzie%40gmail.com&shipname=Julie+Bunker&company=&address1=650+6th+Ave+N+%231&city=Payette&state=ID&zip=83661&country=United+States&ipaddress=

POSTAUTH: FinalStatus=badcard&IPaddress=4%2e254%2e231%2e25&MStatus=badcard&User_Agent=&address1=650%206th%20Ave%20N%20%231&auth_code=&auth_date=20100820&auth_msg=%20Card%20number%20missing&authtype=authpostauth&card_address1=650%206th%20Ave%20N%20%231&card_amount=30%2e17&card_city=Payette&card_company=&card_country=US&card_exp=&card_name=Julie%20Bunker&card_state=ID&card_type=failure&card_zip=83661&city=Payette&client=osCommerceAPI&company=&convert=underscores&convertflg=1&cost1=7%2e99&country=US&currency=usd&currency_value=1%2e00000000&description1=110M108&dontsndmail=yes&easycart=1&email=weaverlizzie%40gmail%2ecom&ipaddress=4%2e254%2e231%2e25&item1=Flower%20of%20th&merchant=fabriholic&mode=auth&orderID=23&order_id=2&osCsid=8bef00df1f657c27d9b7152303fcd1e3&paymethod=credit&phone=208%2d642%2d3516&publisher_email=ordercon%40fabriholicsforever%2ecom&publisher_name=fabriholic&quantity1=2%2e75&receiptcc=&shipinfo=1&shipname=Julie%20Bunker&shipping=6%2e875&state=ID&success=no&tax=1%2e31835&zip=83661&MErrMsg=Card%20number%20missing&a=b


Hope this helps




Credit card module now working. Problem was corrected by PlugnPlay. There was one thing I was doing wrong in testing. I should have gone into the PnP Merchant Admin area and set my connection to the server to testing. Wouldn't have helped with the problem because the data was not being passed to the gateway by the api but it needs to be done for normal testing.






You should google PCI DSS compliance before enabling that credit card module. ( https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/security_standards/pci_dss.shtml )


That site will give you a basic understanding, however PCI DSS Compliance can vary by State/Province or Country.


In a nutshell....if you accept credit card information and you are NOT PCI DSS complaint and your site is hacked and the information becomes exposed, well..let's just say your liability insurance will NEVER be enough to repay the users of your site or the fines associated with the security lapse.


The cost of PCI DSS compliance will not come cheap either, one of my clients paid more than $15,000 to become compliant and was a tough decision for him based on projected online sales. In the end, he chose to be compliant but paid a large price for it. This is why most online stores choose services such as PayPal and Authorize.net as it places the liability burden on those payment processing companies as long as you have an SSL in place.







You should google PCI DSS compliance before enabling that credit card module. ( https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/security_standards/pci_dss.shtml )


That site will give you a basic understanding, however PCI DSS Compliance can vary by State/Province or Country.


In a nutshell....if you accept credit card information and you are NOT PCI DSS complaint and your site is hacked and the information becomes exposed, well..let's just say your liability insurance will NEVER be enough to repay the users of your site or the fines associated with the security lapse.


The cost of PCI DSS compliance will not come cheap either, one of my clients paid more than $15,000 to become compliant and was a tough decision for him based on projected online sales. In the end, he chose to be compliant but paid a large price for it. This is why most online stores choose services such as PayPal and Authorize.net as it places the liability burden on those payment processing companies as long as you have an SSL in place.





Hello Chris,


Can u help me for a while. Refer my post here http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/363489-how-to-submit-payment-confirmation-info/ Thank You.



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