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The e-commerce.

Manufacturers URL


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Hello, everyone.


It seems that nobody has implemented it yet as an add-on so I want to point something out. Is it possible for the Manufacturer page (index.php?mID=...) to be converted to something like www.mysite.com/manu1? I noticed it since I'm using USU5 and I have "index.php/manufacturer-name-id" when I choose a manufacturer. I just want something as simple as http://www.mysite.com/apple for Apple products. This is for efficient advertisement purposes.


I want to start digging but the USU5 code is quite overwhelming, so I might as well hear your ideas first. :)


Just out of curiosity, do you expect anyone to be typing in http://www.mysite.com/apple? If all access will be through the Manufacturers list box, what is the point of this exercise? If not, you could do one of two things:


1) adjust the USU5 code to generate your preferred form of URL, and decode it on the way back in. You'll have to discuss this with the author and other users to see if it's feasible. If a manufacturer's name has spaces or punctuation in it, how will it be handled? You're not expecting users to type in %20 for spaces, are you?


2) manually add some statements to the beginning of your .htaccess file to translate /apple to either /manufacturer-name-35 or to /index.php?mID=35. If you do this, it falls on you to keep the list up to date when you add or drop manufacturers.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule  ^apple$  /manufacturer-name-35
RewriteRule  ^dell$   /manufacturer-name-36

etc. Of course, visitors will have to learn what form of manufacturer's name you chose to use!


Just out of curiosity, do you expect anyone to be typing in http://www.mysite.com/apple? If all access will be through the Manufacturers list box, what is the point of this exercise? If not, you could do one of two things:


1) adjust the USU5 code to generate your preferred form of URL, and decode it on the way back in. You'll have to discuss this with the author and other users to see if it's feasible. If a manufacturer's name has spaces or punctuation in it, how will it be handled? You're not expecting users to type in %20 for spaces, are you?


2) manually add some statements to the beginning of your .htaccess file to translate /apple to either /manufacturer-name-35 or to /index.php?mID=35. If you do this, it falls on you to keep the list up to date when you add or drop manufacturers.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule  ^apple$  /manufacturer-name-35
RewriteRule  ^dell$   /manufacturer-name-36

etc. Of course, visitors will have to learn what form of manufacturer's name you chose to use!


/manufacturer-name-35 format doesn't work unless there is "index.php" on the URL. I think #2 is a quick solution, but #1 seems to be a permanent, automated solution that is a bit harder to implement.


Well the purpose is for manufacturer products to be advertised easily. It's easy to promote "mysite.com/apple" instead of saying "go to mysite.com and look for the Manufacturer drop down list. Choose Apple from there." Spaces are of no importance here - I can just set "Mercedes Benz" to mysite.com/mercedesbenz.




I tried above suggestion but seems that this doesn't work:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^apple$ /apple-m-21
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted"
AuthUserFile "<pathtopassword>"
require valid-user


Assuming that I have a Apple as manufacturer with mID of 21. I want to try it the USU5 way, or the subdomain way (apple.mysite.com which is equal to mysite.com/index.php/apple-m-21, but the browser address will still remain apple.mysite.com) Can someone please point me to the right direction? Thanks.


I don't follow what you are trying to achieve. If you are using USU5 then you should already have what you are asking for, which I think is the manufacturer name in the URL. SO USU5 does that, and the htaccess is already in place for that.


The current setup for USU5 is to have this URL upon choosing a manufacturer from the dropdown:




This URL is valid given that Apple manufacturer exists and the manufacturer id is 21. Note of the index.php on the URL.


What I want to achieve is this:



or this:



both of which will display the same contents as http://www.mysite.com/index.php/apple-m-21 does.


I don't follow what you are trying to achieve. If you are using USU5 then you should already have what you are asking for, which I think is the manufacturer name in the URL. SO USU5 does that, and the htaccess is already in place for that.


OK, nevermind. I see you are trying to drop the -m- part of the URL, which I don't have an answer for, sorry :)


The current setup for USU5 is to have this URL upon choosing a manufacturer from the dropdown:




This URL is valid given that Apple manufacturer exists and the manufacturer id is 21. Note of the index.php on the URL.


What I want to achieve is this:



or this:



both of which will display the same contents as http://www.mysite.com/index.php/apple-m-21 does.


You should just remember that, that part of the URL is important to ensure uniqueness of the URL, and that having it there at the end is not going to hurt your SEO.


OK, nevermind. I see you are trying to drop the -m- part of the URL, which I don't have an answer for, sorry :)


I saw how to tamper with the marker (-m-) but I guess I want a permanent subdomain to URL redirection better. I like the feel of apple.mysite.com, I just don't know how to do it.


You should just remember that, that part of the URL is important to ensure uniqueness of the URL, and that having it there at the end is not going to hurt your SEO.


Keeping it something like www.mysite.com/apple will make sure it's unique as well.


How can I remove the use of index.php in the URL, so it doesn't result to www.mysite.com/index.php/apple-m-21 but to www.mysite.com/apple-m-21.


Keeping it something like www.mysite.com/apple will make sure it's unique as well.


How can I remove the use of index.php in the URL, so it doesn't result to www.mysite.com/index.php/apple-m-21 but to www.mysite.com/apple-m-21.


Ultimate SEO URLs already rewrites index.php to www.mysite.com/apple-m-21. You should not be seeing this www.mysite.com/index.php/apple-m-21


Maybe you have something not right in your htaccess?


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