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Ok I have search all discount add-ons, and I simply couldn't find exactly what I needed some were really close but you just needed to make one exception.

Maybe I have overlooked it but I just can't find it, so I would be very happy if someone could help me with this smaller change:


I need a "quantity" discount, so that when you buy 1 product from category 1, you'll get a 20% discount on all products in category 2, 3, 4 etc, except category 1 itself.

Could for example be like:

Choose category for discount to be available

Choose quantity for discount to be available


Choose discounted category

Choose % discount

Choose discounted category

Choose % discount

Choose discounted category

Choose % discount

and so on, so you can choose yourself how much discount different categories will get.


I hope someone will be so kind to help me, I also believe it is something other people would find useful. At least I find it as an important possibility in my coming store.



Many thanks in advance :)




You are right, there is currently no QPP contribution like that. You would have to have it created as a custom add on.







I guess that means it will be something I have to pay for?


Well do you have any idea how much it would approximately cost? Because I could probably be willing to pay some for it, though my webshop will mostly be a hobby so I won't put too many resources in it.




If the programmer uses an existing add on as a 'template' it may cost $30-$50. If the programmer can not, it may be as much as $150.00.





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