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The e-commerce.

Cancellation/ Update Error


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i would appreciate any help or advice


when using the checkout process below, i have this error message:


'******_*****.orders_products_download' doesn't exist

delete from orders_products_download where orders_id = "1873



the order process is


customer cancels an order from the payment screen i.e paypal >> then remove the product from the basket >> then update the basket >> then place new product in basket >> then confirm order with new product


the url is /checkout_confirmation.php


how would i go about fixing this problem?


Your help or advice would be appreciated


Kind Regards,


customer cancels an order from the payment screen i.e paypal >> then remove the product from the basket >> then update the basket >> then place new product in basket >> then confirm order with new product

looking on your sql you trying to remove the order which hasn't been created on the firths place!


'******_*****.orders_products_download' doesn't exist

delete from orders_products_download where orders_id = "1873


you need simly add the verification before you can erase the order details and normally this is not right way to "remove the product from the basket", as the oscommerce multi user system and you can delete someone else order...

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