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Erased some index code


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I unfortunately erased part of the index code when trying to edit the main page. Could'nt undo it and now my page is a little out of whack. Need the code to replace what I erased. Where do I find It.





The code I am looking for is on the front page of the catalog when you open your store. I was replacing the generic information and erased too much. ( What's new here? etcc. 1. 2. 3. ) need the code after the number 3.


More specifically i was trying to edit the front page on the live store, (What's new here? .... 1. Error Messages, 2. Editing Pages, 3. Online Documentation. Need the code for after 3.


do you mean the new_products.php module?



I'm not sure what you call it. When you first start editing the generic version, the front page in the live store gives directions on how to edit the wording on the front page. (not the products). Now my wording is off to one side and the box in the center that contains the products is on the left side of the page and 1/3 the original size.


I think you may mean the catalog / includes / languages / english / index.php file.

I add one here in case it is.



the last link you sent me was it. THanks so much.


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