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Help with SQL coding


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Im trying to modify the sales report 2 contribution a bit and need some insight for the correct sytex in an sql statement.


Im trying to add a SORT BY command to the following code:

// query for attributes
     $this->queryAttr = "SELECT count(op.products_id) as attr_cnt, o.orders_id, opa.orders_products_id, opa.products_options, opa.products_options_values, opa.options_values_price, opa.price_prefix from " . TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " opa, " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o, " . TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS . " op WHERE o.orders_id = opa.orders_id AND op.orders_products_id = opa.orders_products_id";


I need it to order by the attribute_sort in the TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES. Ive tried many times but keep getting a sytex error. Is it even possible to do this?


Thank You for any help !


So what code are you putting in to do sorting, and what sort of error are you getting? Show us the full code.


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