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The e-commerce.

VAT calculated at current rate 17.5%, and also travelling back in time to add 15% VAT too!


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Hi everybody, I am tearing my hair out a bit trying to work out why this is happening with my store.


UK based stored, running lastest version of OSC, no mods apart from SagePay/Protx module.


Orders are coming in from customers, appearing as they should in the shopping cart.


When viewed in admin though the order is 'split' into two, clicking on either of these orders takes me to just one order detail/total screen as usual.


On the order summary page the two orders are listed, one after the other, first one has items that are charged at 15% tax, the second one is the items charged at 17.5%.


I really want to get rid of the 15% stuff but I can't for the life of me find out where it is doing these calculations, I only have one tax rate for 17.5 set up in Admin.


Hoping somebody can give me a pointer.






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