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Posted (edited)
This is built upon the excelent Queries Debug contribution by Chemo. I've just enhanced it a bit to provide better and less intrusive monitoring. With this package, you can let the monitor run for any length of time without it interrupting your web site. Then, in admin, you can view the logs it produces at your leisure. More information is available in the admin than in the original package and it is easier to see, at a glance, problems that might exist. Edited by Jack_mcs

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Hi Jack, support thread in admin (language file) shows: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/351109-compare-my-price/. I'll test and let you know more later.

Thanks for letting me know. It is a catch-22 situation - can't list the support thread without uploqding the contribution and change update the contribution without having a support thread. I'll change it in the next version though.

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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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  • 4 years later...

I have:


Warning: array_slice() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in E:\Xampp54\htdocs\grosshandel\includes\performance.php on line 60


In Oscommerce 2.3.4 under PHP 5.4


Who can help?



if (($temp = array_slice($debug['QUERIES'], $longestItem, 1, true))) {


This is line 60


all lines





  $Id: performance.php,v 1.6 2004/12/08 21:08:00 admin Exp $

  orig : performance.php,v 1.5 2004/11/21 00:04:53 Chemo Exp $


  osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



  Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


  Released under the GNU General Public License



  if (DISPLAY_PAGE_PARSE_TIME == 'true' || STORE_QUERIES_IN_LOG == 'true') {

    $time_start = explode(' ', PAGE_PARSE_START_TIME);

    $time_end = explode(' ', microtime());

    $parse_time = number_format(($time_end[1] + $time_end[0] - ($time_start[1] + $time_start[0])), 3);



  if (DISPLAY_PAGE_PARSE_TIME == 'true') {

    echo '<div align="center"><span class="smallText">Current Parse Time: <b>' . $parse_time . ' s</b> with <b>' . sizeof($debug['QUERIES']) . ' queries</b></span></div>';

    if (DISPLAY_QUERIES == 'true') {

      echo '<b>QUERY DEBUG:</b> ';


      echo '<hr>';

      echo '<b>SESSION:</b> ';


      echo '<hr>';

      echo '<b>COOKIE:</b> ';


      echo '<b>POST:</b> ';


      echo '<hr>';

      echo '<b>GET:</b> ';


    } # END if request



  if (STORE_QUERIES_IN_LOG == 'true') {

      $file = 'includes/query_store_' . date("Y-m-d") . '_' . tep_session_id();  

      $mode = (file_exists($file) ? 'a' : 'w');


      if (($fp = fopen($file , $mode))) {    

          $longestItem = 0;

          $mostTime = 0;

          $table = '';


          $fout = fwrite($fp, 'Results for Page: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\r\n\r\n");


          /**************** Save the data to a file *****************/

          for ($i = 0; $i < count($debug['QUERIES']); ++$i) {

              $fout = fwrite($fp, '[' . $i . '] ' . $debug['TIME'][$i] . ' => ' . $debug['QUERIES'][$i] . "\r\n");

              if ($debug['TIME'][$i] > $mostTime) {

                  $mostTime = $debug['TIME'][$i];

                  $longestItem = $i;




          /**************** Determine the table that is the slowest to respond *****************/

          if (($temp = array_slice($debug['QUERIES'], $longestItem, 1, true))) {

              if (($pos = strpos(strtolower($temp[$longestItem]), "from")) !== FALSE) {

                  $table = substr($temp[$longestItem], $pos + 5); //points to first word after from

                  if (($pos = strpos($table, ' ')) !== FALSE) {

                      $table = substr($table, 0, $pos);




              if (! tep_not_null($table)) {

                  $table = $temp[$longestItem];   //the table could not be determined so show the whole string




          $fout = fwrite($fp, "\r\n\r\n" . 'Most time was used by item ' . $longestItem . ' at ' . $mostTime . ' seconds using table ' . $table . ".\r\n");

          $fout = fwrite($fp, 'Parse Time ' . $parse_time . "\r\n");

          $fout = fwrite($fp, 'Referer ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "\r\n");

          $fout = fwrite($fp, 'Spider ' . (($spider_flag) ? 'Yes' : 'No') . "\r\n");

          $fout = fwrite($fp, 'Customer ID ' . ((isset($_SESSION['customer_id'])) ? $customer_id : 'Not logged in') . "\r\n");





          error_log('Failed to open ' . $file, 3, STORE_PAGE_PARSE_TIME_LOG);






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