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The e-commerce.

E-mail problem


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i have instaled oscommerce v2.2 rc2. Shop don't send any e-mails.


During the instalation there was no place to put informations about my e-mail box account and in administration panel (e-mail options) i have only:


Wartość Działanie

Metoda Wysyłki E-Maili sendmail

E-Mail Linefeeds LF

Używaj HTML false

Weryfikuj Adres E-Mail przez DNS true

Wystłaj E-Maile true


Do you know any solution for this problem?




You will find email fields in the MY STORE area of the CONFIGURATION section.






in MY STORE area also i haven't email fields. I was looking them in all sections and areas in administration panel and i didn't find it.


Chris i'm not shure did you understand me correct. I'm looking for fields where i can put my e-mail adres, password, and informations about my e-mail serwer.




You will find email fields in the MY STORE area of the CONFIGURATION section.






in MY STORE area also i haven't email fields. I was looking them in all sections and areas in administration panel and i didn't find it.


Chris i'm not shure did you understand me correct. I'm looking for fields where i can put my e-mail adres, password, and informations about my e-mail serwer.


In the MY STORE area you can set your (store owner) email address + extra email addresses you want the order emails to be send to. You don't need to involve your email server into this. If your store doesn't send any emails, this must have an other reason


Can you maybe specify what type of email go through anf what not? For example

- contact us

- new order email (to customer and store owner)

- Admin update emails (when you change the order status via admin)


Maybe you can also get some ideas reading here


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