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No images in Category/products in the admin pages


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my images in the admin pages for the category/products are not showing up. whats wired about it is that they dont show up only when i use the shared secure url. other graphics show up just not the ones for the categories. example...these are two different images on the same secured page..note they are both in the catalog/images file.


images shows up correct = https://server.hosting.com/~website/catalog...ges/stars_5.gif


images do not show up =



i have tried for days to get those graphics to show but they only show when i do not use the secure url in the admin configure.php page. i have tired to change the path, but i dont think that i am doing this correctly...any help would ve great...thank you all for making this such an awsome project. :lol:

I am just a newbee....

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