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Installed 2.2 Release Candidate 2a need to move database from MS2


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I have an Older version of OsCommerce MS2 I believe, I installed a new version on a different server and I want to port the database from the MS2 version over to the 2.2 Release Candidate 2a version what do I need to do? I noticed there are more fields in the new databse structure. Now I do not want to upgrade the MS2 version ijust want to move the data over to the new site to save me weeks of work.


Any help here would be great









You can port over 'sections' of the old database but it will require surgical precision and some database knowledge.









You can port over 'sections' of the old database but it will require surgical precision and some database knowledge.








Hello John,


You can downmoad your new database backup to your computer and with a compare program like Winmerge, compare with the backup of your old database to include the tables that existed before and also see how the new database structure works. It takes some patience and you must be sure not to drop or replace the new administration table that allows you to login in! On the other hand you can replace the tables for products, customers, categories, orders for example since you have them already set up on the old database as in theory they should still work.




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