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Hi, is thier an easy way to add my own header and product images to oscommerce cart.


i am new and haveing trouble figureing out where to start customizing.



To change headers you first need to find the file it's coming from. Say you want to change the header from the search box from "Quick Find" to "Fast Search".


All the words in the headers come from the language files, either /catalog/includes/languages/english.php (assuming your cart is in english) or /catalog/includes/languages/english/(file you're working on).php. First check english.php. Since the header you want to change is "Quick Find", look for those words. At approximately line 78 you see this:

// quick_find box text in includes/boxes/quick_find.php

define('BOX_HEADING_SEARCH', 'Quick Find');

This tells you that the header 'BOX_HEADING_SEARCH' is being defined as "Quick Find". To change the header, change the words "Quick Find" to

// quick_find box text in includes/boxes/quick_find.php

define('BOX_HEADING_SEARCH', 'Fast Search');

This will change the header for the box to "Fast Search". All the headers can be changed this way.


To change product images go to Admin.....Catalog.....Categories/Products. In the default cart you'll see three categories: Hardware, Software, and DVD Movies. Click on the little folder icon next to Hardware. This will take you to the subcategories. Click on the little folder icon beside Graphics Cards. You'll see two products: A Matrox G200 and a Matrox G400, with the G200 selected. Click on Edit. That will take you to the Product page. This is where you can make changes to the product information. Near the bottom you'll see Products Image: with a browse button. This will let you selct a product image from your computer that will be uploaded to your /images directory. Keep in mind that the images you upload will only go into the /images directory. You can't make them go into a subdirectory of the image directory. For instance, the image for the Matrox G200 is in /images/matrox/. That was hard coded in. Creating a new subdirectory like /images/newproduct/ and then trying to upload a product image to it won't work. They all have to go to the /images directory, unless you go into the database and make the changes manually.


When I read this over it was hard to follow, so if you have any questions just ask.


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