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Does osC work with PHP 5.3?


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Does osC work with PHP 5.3.?


I'm currently looking for a host to provide more than PHP 5.0 due to forum software I need which uses 5.1 or greater, but I just read somewhere that PHP 5.3 is backwards incompatable, and being pretty new to PHP I was wondering if osC would be affected running on a server that ran 5.3.


The current version at Github does support PHP 5.3 and there is also an add-on which will let you back-port the changes to an existing store.

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)


If you are considering osC 2.2 RC2a (the current version), it's mostly PHP 5.3 compatible. You will have to make some code changes to replace "ereg" family calls with "preg" (search for ereg deprecated for instructions). That may be easier for you than trying to install the github development version.


If your system is at PHP 5.3, it's likely that MySQL is at version 5. There are further changes needed to "JOIN" clauses to avoid "1054" errors. I have no idea if the github development version has these fixes in it already -- I would hope so.


It does if you use this:








I have a few add ons so my store isn't a vanilla site. Will it work if I just go through the files and replace the deprecated EREG functions by hand,oris there more to it than that? I'm guessing I'll have to do something like that anyway, because even if I use it on a clean install, there'll be mods that I need to add that aren't using the function that replaces EREG that I'll have to amend.


Thanks very much for all the replies :)


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