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The e-commerce.

newsletter contribution keeps failing


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I'm having real trouble with the newsletter contribution perhaps someone could help.


On registering a new member I get the following error :-


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at ...root.../includes/classes/snoopy1.class.php:2104) in ...root.../newsletters_subscribe.php on line 73


I still get a correct entry in the mailing list and I can unsubscribe OK


Also - I can register the same email twice - is this perhaps cause by the above error?





If you learn more than you forget then that's a good thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at ...root.../includes/classes/snoopy1.class.php:2104) in ...root.../newsletters_subscribe.php on line 73


Make sure you don't have a trailing space or line at the bottom of your newsletters_subscribe.php


This is a common problem if you edit a file.



hth, Tony

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Hmmn, not sure if you are talking about my contribution or not.


Is it the Unsubscribe contribution you are having trouble with?


No, your shop should not allow you to create more than one account with any give email address. This has nothing to do with my contribution.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i get this same error as well


the shop using it is a snapshot from august 2002.

also on the subscribe page the continue button doesnt show.

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see other post on that subject




for the monent in newsletter_subscribe.php REMOVE the line calling the class snoopy.php



it is not necessary for this version and we for got to remove it

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can anybody tell me, where to get the subscribe information on different subjects in my admin section.


The Contribution is working, so far as I can subscribe, choose different subjects in the subscription center (which would be better in the same process, i think...), a confirmation mail is sent, but than I get "only" the names, and mail adresses in the admin section...




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Has nobody this mod working, as it is intended to ? :?


From some definitions it seems I?m maybe missing a part called "subscribers_utilities". Any suggestions ?


Regards, Annakin

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What is the link to the contribution you are talking about?


Is it the newsletter unsubscribe or is it a different one?

[no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]

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  • 5 months later...

Hi, I installed this contribution in version 2.2 MS1 and it works great! But when I installed this in another site with version 2.2 MS2, I get this error message:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_array_merge() in /home/www/html/catalog/admin/newsletters_subscribers_view.php on line 469


when I go to admin panel>Newsletter>Subscribers Admin


May I ask if anyone can shed some light on this? Thanks very much.


Line 469 of newsletters_subscribers_view.php is :


$cInfo_array = tep_array_merge($subscribers, $customer_info);

Edited by Elmo

Best regards,



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  • 3 weeks later...

Any one found the solution to the following error


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_array_merge() in /home/www/html/catalog/admin/newsletters_subscribers_view.php on line 469

If yes please drop a reply on how to solve the matter. Thanks

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