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Question on Install and Database Table Access


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I have done a new install by copying an existing OSC environment (referred to as source) to a new domain (referred to as target) as follows:


1) Copied all the directories and their contents from the source environment using FTP. Did not copy the /catalog/.htpasswds directory from the source.

2) Exported the database from the source and imported it into the target domain using phpMyAdmin

3) Configured /catalog/includes/configure.php and /catalog/admin/includes/configure.php in the target environment

4) In the target environment, removed the passwords for directories that were password protected directories in the source environment using the C-PANEL (Linux)


After this was done, I ran OSC admin and this is where I am stuck:


1) The database access was attained, I am able to see some of the data but I am unable to select any records and modify them.

2) For e.g., I am able to see customer data but not the order data

3) I am not able to select different customer records. Since I can't select, I am unable to edit them, delete them etc., through OSC Admin

4) The above problem occurs for every other type of data too.


When I access the target website, I am unable to access any catalog products.


Has anyone encountered this issue before or if you have any suggestions that I can try out, I would appreciate it.


Thanks in advance.




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