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Hi, this is my first post. I'm a first time user of osCommerce. I'm moderately familiar with websites and HTML codes, but it's my first experience with PHP.


I've follow the flash tutorial with much success. The only part that's troubling me now is using a background image. I've tried using the line- background-image: url(/images/header_bg.jpg); in various sections of stylesheet.ccs file like this:



/*background: #ffffff; */

background-image: url(/images/header_bg.jpg);

color: #000000;

margin: 0px;


... and I cannot get the background image to show in any box no matter what I try. The permission on my /image folder was 705 and I've tried changing it to 755 with no success. All the other images from the same folder are displaying fine on the website with either permission setting.


What do I need to do??!!?



Troubled :(


BTW, I've also tried using the absolute path of the server, but according to my research, that doesn't seems to be important and should work both ways?


  background: url(images/header_bg.jpg) #fff;
  color: #000000;
  margin: 0px;


Tried and didn't work. What does the #fff do?




I got it! It WAS the path after all. I didn't install it in root so should be:


background-image: url(/catalog/images/header_bg.jpg);


Thanks a lot for your help anyways, burt! :)



I think #fff sets the color for something? Or infinite repeat of the background? No idea, haha.

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