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Allow customers to add product to for sale section?


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I run www.illstreet.com . My father wants me to build his website b/c he is getting charged a rediculous amount for some yahoos to reinvent the wheel. His website is www.excesslogistics.com He wants a store that has 2 categories. One would be for sale and the other would be Wanted. Now he would have to have the ability to allow the registered users to upload their product without showing their contact info and then allow the other people that are viewing the store to buy the product through him and he would buy it from the original poster. He deals with excess broadband inventory. Please let me know if this is something I can accomplish with oscommerce or if I need to look elsewhere.

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he also wants to be able to upload spreadsheets like in .xls form


Be able to offer the same product with different quantity and/or price from different suppliers without showing suppliers


He wants to be able to store but not show our price to the customer


and he wants to have an option of call for price

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Sounds like you need to give your users access to "/catalog/admin/categories.php?cPath=31&action=new_product" (Example. "Your cpath=" would be different)


Quite dangerous because the admin menu shows on the left of this and this section is usually passworded. Maybe you could duplicate and modify this page to be more restrictive.





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yeah probably just look into the code of that page for the mySQL command to add a product to the database... I don't think it would be too difficult... just a matter of finding out how it's done in the admin panel then copying that code and modifying it slightly to add only to the "for sale" category and other predetermined things.

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