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Catalog Design Ideas for an OSCommerce site?


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I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to achieve what we're after. We are setting up a site to allow customers to purchase car parts (exhausts etc.) and I was wondering the best way to setup the catalog. The way we would like to set it up is you go to the model that you want to buy (exhaust company/model) and then you can select what application (car type) you want to order. The way we were thinking about doing it is having the product listeded, and then selecting hte model selection as an option through the Products Atributes settings in the admin page. The problem with this is the price woul dhave to be set to $0 initially, and then the option selection be the full price (as different car applications are different prices). Is there any way to achieve this in a simple way like this, yet have the database list the full price (initial + option as the full price in the item info. We started going this route because of having to type the item description in over and over for a part that is the almost the same, short of the installation parts that are required for the application. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


The basic setup we have now is






The way I'm trying to avoid doing it is





--->Car Application


Thanks for your time, and if any of this is unclear, let me know and I'll try to define the problem a little more.




Do you have the parts in an excel, csv, or other data file format?


If so, you can just import the information into the databases on your server.

"Of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"


haha, no, that would be too easy. We are starting from scratch here. When someone would come into the store, we would usually look in any number of supplier catalogs and find the price and order it. So I guess you could say we're starting from the ground up here with a totally empty product database. We're currently looking at our supplier catalogs, and entering what we want to sell on the web site.



contact your suppliers. They should be able to send you the files via email.



"Of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"


If you selling to the public it should be done by car make, not product. What interest would a Ford owner have in an exhaust system for a VW? :(


that's what I was thinking as well...


probably set something up like


->Car Manufacturer

-->Manufacturer's Models



so for example (I'm not a car person, so forgive the ignorance of my example)









the way i was setting up my site was like that and then it came to the point that i was taking forever to create all my catagories...so now i am doing my catalog somewhat like http://www.overboost.com is doing theirs. The people coming to my site though will know what they are wanting as soon as they get there. if there was a contribution out there that would copy the sub-cats from one cat to another then it would be easier. there is a contrib out there for the attribs of the cats but not the actual sub-cat.


:wink: Would be nice if some of you coder gurus would try to create that! :wink:


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