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product images on packing list or invoices


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It would take me forever to find items based on item#. Is there a way to allow product images to be viewed/printed on the packing list or invoice when i access customer orders as admin?


Is there a way to allow product images to be viewed/printed on the packing list or invoice when i access customer orders as admin?

Sure, although there is not a switch you can turn on for this. Would require some basic custom coding.


Just pseudocode here, but you would need to add products_image to the select product sql query on both the packing list and invoice scripts.


Then add a table cell when products are displayed for the product's image with an image tag that would echo out the image selected in the above sql query.


Then if you only want it to display under certain circumstances then you would need to pass some kind of parameter like display_pics=1 when you call the invoice or packing slips pages.


Other than this, not sure if there is a contribution for this functionality.


I'm going to disagree slightly with zelf on this one. His method will work, but there are issues that could come back to bite you.


The product ID is stored with the order information, thus allowing you to find the product's image when displaying the packing list or invoice.


However, the main product database can be changed at any time, thus potentially invalidating the product ID that's stored in the orders_products table. You could conceivably get the wrong picture or have a nonexistent picture.


The rigorous way to make this change would be to modify the order processing such that it saves a thumbnail copy of the product image and also saves the name of the corresponding image file to the orders_products database table.

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