diga_alex Posted July 29, 2010 Posted July 29, 2010 I found an interesting concept posted on another site for re-using the LOW ORDER FEE as an EXPEDITE ORDER http://www.clubosc.com/expedite-fee-in-oscommerce.html 1. Add in a checkbox on checkout_shipping.php <?php echo tep_draw_checkbox_field('expedite_fee'); ?> <?php echo sprintf(TEXT_EXPEDITE, $currencies->format(MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_EXPEDITEFEE_FEE)); ?> 2. Add in processing on checkout_shipping.php if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['expedite_fee'])) tep_session_register('expedite_fee'); 3. Destroy the session in checkout_process.php tep_session_unregister('expedite_fee'); 6. Language addition in /includes/languages/english/checkout_shipping.php define('TEXT_EXPEDITE', 'Tick this box to expedite your order, costs an extra %s'); Where would these inserts be placed?
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