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The e-commerce.

Destroy Shopping Cart


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Oi, all. I've been trying out a few open source storefronts, and this one (osCommerce) is what I eventually decided looks best and seems to have some community support.


Anyways, my folks want a site where they can display their inventory, and hopefully make a few sales. However, they don't want to sell -through- the website--they just want the site there more as a gallery type of thing. See, most of the work they do is custom ordered.


So basically what I want to do is disable anything on the site that allows a user to purchase items (which I guess is kind of odd, considering a lot of posts on the various storefront software sites I've been to have been asking the opposite--to allow more ways for users to purchase goods, lol). I don't want a "Add to Cart" or "View Cart" or "Checkout" or anything like that--I just want to be able to have my Mom and Dad upload a few images (I installed a multi-image addon already) for each product, a description, and a price, and maybe whether or not it was sold out.


I do have a vague idea about how to go about this, but it involves looking through the code and manually removing bits. This is something I'd like to avoid if there's a "cleaner" way to do it.


I also have STS installed to make it easier for me to install a ready-made theme rather than creating my own from scratch. I haven't had much of a chance to look at the templating system, but I would be modifying those files primarily, yah?


Well, if someone could give me a point in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.


Hey, Tim, I think that's -exactly- what I need. :D I'll fiddle with it as soon as my nephew and niece take their nap. Muchos grassy-ass!




This is probably the reason above all other reasons I came back to osCommerce after tinkering around with Magento, LiteCommerce, and OXID--the community actually tries to help out. :)


Again, thanks--I'll post again and let you guys know how it went. :3



This is probably the reason above all other reasons I came back to osCommerce after tinkering around with Magento, LiteCommerce, and OXID--the community actually tries to help out. :)



Yeah, I actually had a call from someone this week trying to sell me Magento. They told me how outdated my oscommerce is. No thanks!




Oi, I was just trying the free Magento edition. Maybe the one you have to buy does have better support... But I'm not going to waste money trying to find out. XD Had a hard enough time converting their Apache re-write conditions to NGINX; I really hated that they didn't give you an option not to use their "friendly URLs" (and thus HAVING to have those re-write rules). (Another reason I like osCommerce--it works as well on NGINX as Apache, and seems pretty much webserver-independent).




Anyways, I've installed the Enquiry Cart addon, and it seems to work beautifully. XD I'm having trouble with the server being able to send mails (or maybe there's something I have to configure in osCommerce itself for that), but that's fine--I'll probably end up using SMTP instead of sendmail, anyways. :P


Thanks for pointing me at the Addon. :) My Pop's going to have a heart attack that I actually got this done for him. X3 (He's been asking me to do it for quite a while now.)


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