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The e-commerce.

Weird Date Problem.


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When adding a product after the preview i get this:

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 31 May, 2005.


Then in catalog the product shows:

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 01 March, 2003.


Now in the main inder in the bar footer:

Wednesday 19 February, 2003


I dont think its my server cus i have the date showing up fine in another site of mine on the same server:

Monday, March 03 2003.

<?php echo( date("l, F d Y.") ); ?>


What going on? How do i fix this?

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Please forget the post above.


My problem is that in the main index in the footer bar:

Wednesday 19 February, 2003


Why is it like that?

Cant be my server cus i have the correct date showing up fine in another site of mine on the same server:

Monday, March 03 2003.


<?php echo( date("l, F d Y.") ); ?>

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