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Add to Cart Error with general.php file ?


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When Add to Cart button is clicked, the page should move to shopping_cart.php. but the page would got error as the messages below with white black page.



Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/...../html/shop/includes/functions/html_output.php:621) in /home/content/......./html/shop/includes/functions/general.php on line 33


the line 33 of general.php file is


header('Location: ' . $url);



21 // Redirect to another page or site

22 function tep_redirect($url) {

23 if ( (strstr($url, "\n") != false) || (strstr($url, "\r") != false) ) {

24 tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL', false));

25 }


27 if ( (ENABLE_SSL == true) && (getenv('HTTPS') == 'on') ) { // We are loading an SSL page

28 if (substr($url, 0, strlen(HTTP_SERVER)) == HTTP_SERVER) { // NONSSL url

29 $url = HTTPS_SERVER . substr($url, strlen(HTTP_SERVER)); // Change it to SSL

30 }

31 }


33 header('Location: ' . $url);


35 tep_exit();

36 }



I'm not php coder, but I've tried several things

- blocked(commented) line 33

- blocked(commented) line 21~36 or 27~ 36 ....

but anything didnt work.!!!


Anyone has idea to fix this problem.


Make sure that you don't have an extra space at the end of this is files: shopping_cart.php , /include/laguages/english/shopping_cart.php or any include files that you include in your php


This typically happens when you've added whitespace (newlines or blanks) to a PHP file before the "<?php" at the beginning or after the "?>" at the end. Even for included files such as application_top.php.

Check out Chad's News.


I solved problem.

I opened html_output.php and eliminated the unnecessary white space lines after ?> at the end of file. and it worked


BUT !!! another next problem found.

When add to cart is clicked , the page moves to shopping_cart.php but it shows EMPTY CART without any error message.


what should I DO???


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