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The e-commerce.

How to get the parent category name for a product


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I'm trying to implement e-commerce tracking for Google Analytics and ran into this problem. Luckily I discovered that OSC already has a function to get the category ID from a product id. From there it was a fairly simple process, so I just thought I'd share my solution.


This is my production code, so please modify it to your needs.


$ga_category_id = tep_get_product_path($order->products[$i]['id']);
$ga_category_query = tep_db_query("select categories_name from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " where categories_id = '" . $ga_category_id . "'");
$ga_category = tep_db_fetch_array($ga_category_query);
echo '<input name="ga_category[' . $i .'][category]" type="hidden" value="' . $ga_category[categories_name] . '"  />';


Replace $order->products[$i]['id'] with whatever variable contains your products id. $ga_category[categories_name] is what actually outputs the name of the category.


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