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Delete customers in admin


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I can't remove customers in admin panel.

I even can't select them out of the list.

The only selectable and removable customer is default John Doe.

And i can do nothing with all the others.




Delete them using myphpadmin. When setting up a new site, it is always best to create one new customer (you, usually) and then go into admin and delete John Doe. For some reason deleting John Doe before creating a new customer causes problems. This is also present if many customers are created and John Doe is still in the database.


This does not happen all of the time, but I have come across it many times while installing new sites.





Thanks, DunWeb


I deleted them in admin panel adding this into the address line -

/admin/customers.php?page=1&cID=&action=deleteconfirm" method="post"


In this case the custmer's name selects and can be deleted.


There was no problem deleting Jon Doe, which i did, but it still doesn't help in selecting and deleting new customers.


Maybe there are some other ways available?


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