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The e-commerce.

Multiple stores in a Social Media context


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I have a project where there is a social network that requires embedded ecommerce support. Let me briefly run this by you folks--I hope that you can give me some pointers. Briefly, here are the requirements: Some, but not all, of the members of a social netwrok can have stores. Let us image that there could be hundreds or perhaps a couple of thousand of stores. Each storeowner configures and maintains their own store: Everything about the store would be their responsibility. Assume that there is a standard payment method, like paypal, and that each storeowner would have their own payment account. Now assume that the social network hosts would like to be able to track usage in each store (click tracking, some level of purchasing transaction, but nothing that would violate credit card privacy). The storeowners would have the same info but also more analytics, order management, and all of that sort of thing.


It would be best if the storeowner could just configure the store online on the social network using a web based interface. There would be a standard look and feel to all stores and they would be embedded in a larger web site.


Can this be done in oscommerce? would I have to use the multi-store add-on from the community or is there another sound approach? Thanks in advance and sorry if there was another thread where this post should have gone. I could not find an appropriate thread.


I have a project where there is a social network that requires embedded ecommerce support. Let me briefly run this by you folks--I hope that you can give me some pointers. Briefly, here are the requirements: Some, but not all, of the members of a social netwrok can have stores. Let us image that there could be hundreds or perhaps a couple of thousand of stores. Each storeowner configures and maintains their own store: Everything about the store would be their responsibility. Assume that there is a standard payment method, like paypal, and that each storeowner would have their own payment account. Now assume that the social network hosts would like to be able to track usage in each store (click tracking, some level of purchasing transaction, but nothing that would violate credit card privacy). The storeowners would have the same info but also more analytics, order management, and all of that sort of thing.


It would be best if the storeowner could just configure the store online on the social network using a web based interface. There would be a standard look and feel to all stores and they would be embedded in a larger web site.


Can this be done in oscommerce? would I have to use the multi-store add-on from the community or is there another sound approach? Thanks in advance and sorry if there was another thread where this post should have gone. I could not find an appropriate thread.


In my opinion any multi-store add-on is not good idea for you project, if you will install hundreds stores in one database it can not work fast, every store should have separate database. You could use some code to send all information you need to one database once a day from every store database.


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