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Changing Buttons


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I want to change the 'Buy Now' button on the product pages to 'Continue'. I can find the buttons but I can't find where to change them, please help






If you look in catalog/extras/ you find a file called "button_template.psd"

This is a layered photoshop template for making new buttons.


If you want to change every instance of 'buy now' to 'continue', just save your new button gif to includes/languages/english/images/buttons as "button_buy_now.gif".

This will overwrite the old "buy now" image, so you might want to save a version of it first.


(If you don't want every instance of 'buy-now' changed to 'continue', you'll have to call your new gif something different, and edit the relevant php file(s) too - don't know which one(s) without looking).

cmd-z... the best keystroke invented


Yes... and you can use it to make a new button with "Continue" on it. :)

(The buttons are images; they can't be edited via the programming.)

cmd-z... the best keystroke invented


My second post was in reply to a random comment (which I first thought was a genuine reply) that has subsequently been removed :rolleyes:

cmd-z... the best keystroke invented


If you look in catalog/extras/ you find a file called "button_template.psd"

This is a layered photoshop template for making new buttons.


If you want to change every instance of 'buy now' to 'continue', just save your new button gif to includes/languages/english/images/buttons as "button_buy_now.gif".

This will overwrite the old "buy now" image, so you might want to save a version of it first.


(If you don't want every instance of 'buy-now' changed to 'continue', you'll have to call your new gif something different, and edit the relevant php file(s) too - don't know which one(s) without looking).


Thanks for that info Leighbee! I never even looked in the extras folder, and I was wondering how I was going to change the buttons :thumbsup:


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