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How to enable SSL in check-out process


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The SSL is working, it is just not showing up on any pages when the user visits the site.


Could this be a cart setting or something that needs enabled in the Admin area for the SSL to display when the user is at the checkout process?


Anyone else have this issue or heard of others with this issue?


Click the SSL Implementation link in my signature.


Read the 1st post in that thread carfully.


It has things you need to check and/or try.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

- Me -


"Headers already sent" - The definitive help


"Cannot redeclare ..." - How to find/fix it


SSL Implementation Help


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Do you have the configure.php file set to TRUE for the SSL ??





Hi all! I purchased the Geotrust SSL Cerificate several days ago on OsCommerce and have had problems since. My header disappeared and I still don't have the certificate on my page nor do my page(s) reflect the https. I got my header back by setting my Session-"Check SSL Session ID" = TRUE. I got Germ's SSL Implementation info, but I can't find where to go to do #1 of his instructions. I have been looking in files to find the same wording. #3...Is that after making these changes, I go to my control panel of my webhost (1and1) and use FTP to transfer to my site? Have to set permissions befor doing that? I really don't know what the heck I'm talking about, just repeating what I've read. I'm trying to get this done myself, but afraid to mess up. I called 1and1, told me to have person who put site together do this instead of me, problem is....it was one of their tech support who did me the favor at no charge. I just filled in all the blanks! :D He's been great helping me out the past 5 weeks this has been in the works, but I hate having to go to him all the time, so I read the forums here. I just need my https and certificate to work and show up now. Oh, and I still have that Russian "bot" I think Yandex, Corp. visiting me, and it does take a shopping cart and put products in it, today was $102, yesterday, over $800, there's another "visitor" coming from Mountainview, California, no shopping cart. Still trying to figure out how to ban those ISP's also.

Just a bit overwhelmed right now. :'( Any help appreciated to clarify this for me






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