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Apsona File Admin


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I got an e-mail from the makers of apsona to try out their flieadmin program for free. I downloaded the zip file and installed it but can't seem to get it to work.

It was supposed to load itself but I had to add the admin/includes/boxes/tools.php mod manually. Now all I get is a new window with their logo and two buttons that don't do anything.

This is supposed to be a lot better than easy populate so I would like to get it running.

Any ideas?

Program can be found at www.apsona.com




Unfortunately you have fallen for a 'free' product in which they require you to register and pay for after a period of time. Its your choice whether to keep it or not, but the 'free' is a marketing ploy.





  • 3 weeks later...



Unfortunately you have fallen for a 'free' product in which they require you to register and pay for after a period of time. Its your choice whether to keep it or not, but the 'free' is a marketing ploy.








I'm sorry to say that you are misinformed. I have it straight from the horses mouth Apsona is absolutely free. See the cut & paste of an email I received:


From: Sadhana Dutt [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: August 03, 2010 12:58 PM

To: Deborah White

Cc: Sridhar

Subject: Re: FW: Apsona Question




Sorry did not check my Spam folder. As to forum question, they are wrong as we will not be charging for Apsona ShopAdmin...


Here's my take on it:


I have installed and have been using Apsona for awhile now. It's installation is seamless, so easy even the most computer illiterate among us can install it. It's extremely easy to use. Having had experience with Easy Populate in Zen Cart AND Oscommerce I have to say just with the ease of installation and ease of use, it is far superior to Easy Populate for those of us who are not computer programmers.


I never did get Easy Populate to install in either Zen Cart or Oscommerce and my experience with Zen-Carts Easy Populate "programmer" was extremely unpleasant. I used my PhPAdmin to manipulate my databases for a while but this is so much easier and the technical support is very friendly, knowledgeable and respond in a timely manner. You can get up and running within a few minutes. I'm quite happy with Apsona. My whole purpose was to use open-source products as I wanted to learn and I'm running on a shoe string. So, there you go for what it's worth! :)




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