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The e-commerce.

Backups ... be carefully ...


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Hi all,


I had the next problem for on eof my customers :


- I created a backup in oscommerce (in language files charset defined : iso-8859-1, and in MySql UTF8)

- I restored this backup in another webshop (same characterset : iso-8859-1, and in MySql UTF8), but all information was gone after a special character)


- when I create that backup in MySql and restore it with MySql (phpmyadmin), data is ok


- differences : special characters in .sql file in first case are readable, in second case they are unreadable in .sql file


Questions (I find this always a difficult subject) :


1) I suppose oscommerce creates a backup in characterset iso-8859-1 (defined in language file) ?

2) What means UTF8 in MYSql, are characters entered by customers in iso-8859-1 converted to UTF8 by MySql (when saved in a file) ?

3) When characters from MySql (in UTF8?) are displayed on the webpages, there are no problems with special characters, but which characterset is used iso-8859-1 or UTF8 ?

4) Maybe it is the best to define both in UTF8 ?


Hi all,


I had the next problem for on eof my customers :


- I created a backup in oscommerce (in language files charset defined : iso-8859-1, and in MySql UTF8)

- I restored this backup in another webshop (same characterset : iso-8859-1, and in MySql UTF8), but all information was gone after a special character)


- when I create that backup in MySql and restore it with MySql (phpmyadmin), data is ok


- differences : special characters in .sql file in first case are readable, in second case they are unreadable in .sql file


Questions (I find this always a difficult subject) :


1) I suppose oscommerce creates a backup in characterset iso-8859-1 (defined in language file) ?

2) What means UTF8 in MYSql, are characters entered by customers in iso-8859-1 converted to UTF8 by MySql (when saved in a file) ?

3) When characters from MySql (in UTF8?) are displayed on the webpages, there are no problems with special characters, but which characterset is used iso-8859-1 or UTF8 ?

4) Maybe it is the best to define both in UTF8 ?



"I restored this backup in another webshop (same characterset : iso-8859-1, and in MySql UTF8), but all information was gone after a special character)"


I forgot to tell you, I did the restore with MySql (not the oscommerce restore) ....


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