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Is it possible to have rotating background image


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i have a movie related store website , and i think it would be cool to have the backround image rotating everytime the page was refreshed or changed to a new page . It there a way to do this. Or would it just be a fixed one background image.



Well, if instead of having a fixed background-image for the "body" tag in CSS, you could do a couple of things:


1) In the PHP code that generates a page, output <body style="background-image: url('<?php rotating_bg_img(); ?>');" other attributes> (or something similar). You supply the new function somewhere that returns a path and image name to use, and have a library of images somewhere.


2) Similar to (1), but in Javascript to update "onload" the body element .style.backgroundImage to point to a file on your server. This can be enhanced to make a dynamic slide show, but that's bandwidth-intensive and distracting, so use it with restraint if you use it at all.


In either case, you'll probably have to drop your new code into every customer-facing PHP file, rather than just one convenient central place :'( .


Have you checked this forum for earlier discussion on this, and the add-ons to see if it's been implemented? I think I recall this subject coming up many times before.


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