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Address & phone in Contact Us Box


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Hi! I wanna type address & phone in Contact Us Box (contact.php or...?). How can I do it? THANKS! ;)

There are several ways. In the add on section are some mods to enhance the contact us page.

Also you can just hard code the text in the root contact_us.php


Here is the code I used on one site. My file is lines 298 thru 324:


       <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="infoBox">

         <tr class="infoBoxContents">

           <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">


               <td width="10"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '10', '1'); ?></td>

               <td align="right"><?php echo tep_image_submit('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE); ?></td>

               <td width="10"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '10', '1'); ?></td>



<table><td>Click the continue button to submit the form<P>E-mail: place e-mail link here. </a><BR>Phone: <BR>Fax </td></table></td>





Another way is to use php to call the store name and numbers from the database. Put your calls in the same file wherever you want them to show.




THANK Tim, but I wanna type my information behind (not on the top of site) BOX with:


Full Name:


E-Mail Address:







My information


Have can I do it? THANKS!


THANK Tim, but I wanna type my information behind (not on the top of site) BOX with:


Full Name:


E-Mail Address:







My information


Have can I do it? THANKS!

I am sorry, but I do not understand what you want. Do you want the text like a background image? Do you want the text to be prepopulated in the box?




I am sorry, but I do not understand what you want. Do you want the text like a background image? Do you want the text to be prepopulated in the box?



SORRY... I wanna add some information (address, phone number). Something like this:





SORRY... I wanna add some information (address, phone number). Something like this:




The code I posted in my first reply will put the text in the box with the continue button. All you need to do is move it down some past the end table tags. The tables are deeply nested on that page and it took me several tries to get the text in the right place.

Just add some text and then refresh the contact us page. Once your text shows up in the right place, then type in all the text you want to show.




The code I posted in my first reply will put the text in the box with the continue button. All you need to do is move it down some past the end table tags. The tables are deeply nested on that page and it took me several tries to get the text in the right place.

Just add some text and then refresh the contact us page. Once your text shows up in the right place, then type in all the text you want to show.



THANKS! My mystake - I worked with includes/languages/english/contact_us.php :D


i also had same problem and i pretty new with php and coding but i foud i nice way to put google map and some pictures on it as well.. here is my code:



<p class="m_text"><b>Kontakt Oss<br>


<img src="images/account_notifications.gif" width="60" height="60">

<p class="m_text"><strong>Hvis du har spørsmål om GsmPartner.net, eller ønsker å gi en

tilbakemelding, kan du bruke kontaktskjemaet nedenfor</strong>.<b></p>


<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="361" border="0" height="147">


<td class="m_text" vAlign="top" width="256" height="147"><class id="110">

<class id="111"><class id="28"><class id="29"><class id="210">

<class id="211"><class id="212"><class id="213"><class id="214">

<class id="215"><class id="216"><class id="217"><class id="218">

<class id="219"><class id="220"><class id="221"><class id="222">

<class id="223"><b>GSMPartner.net v/ Bjørn Lien<br>

</b>Sandakerveien 10J<br>

0473 Oslo<br>

Tel: 40 30 01 30<class id="112"><class id="113"><class id="224"><class id="225"><class id="226"><class id="227"><class id="228"><class id="229"><class id="230"><class id="231"><class id="232"><class id="233"><class id="234"><class id="235"><class id="236"><class id="237"><class id="238"><class id="239"><p class="m_text"><b>


</b>Kun etter avtale!</p>


<td class="m_text" vAlign="top" align="middle" width="105" height="147">

<p align="left"><b>Kart til butikk<b>


</b><a href="http://maps.google.no/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=no&geocode=&q=Sandakerveien+10+Oslo&sll=59.931224,10.758642&sspn=0.00931,0.027423&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Sandakerveien+10A,+0473+Oslo&ll=59.931259,10.758705&spn=0,0.027423&z=15&iwloc=r3&layer=c&cbll=59.931501,10.759076&panoid=bpvcWn16ARD02pmhhdEnGA&cbp=12,12.32,,0,-11.33" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="images/kart.jpg" width="205" height="176"></a></td>





here is the result :P




change the href to your address


and also upload the pictures to imagens


the text you can put in /public_html/youstore/contact_us.php very easy


i also had same problem and i pretty new with php and coding but i foud i nice way to put google map and some pictures on it as well.. here is my code:



<p class="m_text"><b>Kontakt Oss<br>


<img src="images/account_notifications.gif" width="60" height="60">

<p class="m_text"><strong>Hvis du har spørsmål om GsmPartner.net, eller ønsker å gi en

tilbakemelding, kan du bruke kontaktskjemaet nedenfor</strong>.<b></p>


<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="361" border="0" height="147">


<td class="m_text" vAlign="top" width="256" height="147"><class id="110">

<class id="111"><class id="28"><class id="29"><class id="210">

<class id="211"><class id="212"><class id="213"><class id="214">

<class id="215"><class id="216"><class id="217"><class id="218">

<class id="219"><class id="220"><class id="221"><class id="222">

<class id="223"><b>GSMPartner.net v/ Bjørn Lien<br>

</b>Sandakerveien 10J<br>

0473 Oslo<br>

Tel: 40 30 01 30<class id="112"><class id="113"><class id="224"><class id="225"><class id="226"><class id="227"><class id="228"><class id="229"><class id="230"><class id="231"><class id="232"><class id="233"><class id="234"><class id="235"><class id="236"><class id="237"><class id="238"><class id="239"><p class="m_text"><b>


</b>Kun etter avtale!</p>


<td class="m_text" vAlign="top" align="middle" width="105" height="147">

<p align="left"><b>Kart til butikk<b>


</b><a href="http://maps.google.no/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=no&geocode=&q=Sandakerveien+10+Oslo&sll=59.931224,10.758642&sspn=0.00931,0.027423&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Sandakerveien+10A,+0473+Oslo&ll=59.931259,10.758705&spn=0,0.027423&z=15&iwloc=r3&layer=c&cbll=59.931501,10.759076&panoid=bpvcWn16ARD02pmhhdEnGA&cbp=12,12.32,,0,-11.33" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="images/kart.jpg" width="205" height="176"></a></td>





here is the result :P




change the href to your address


and also upload the pictures to imagens


the text you can put in /public_html/youstore/contact_us.php very easy

just pm me and i can make the code for you with the info you whant




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