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Help with Purchase Without Account v0.55


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I just downloaded the newest snapshot of 2.2CVS. I installed with and it ran errorfree. However, when I try to implement the contribution, "Purchase Without Account v0.55", I get some problems. It goes pretty well until after you enter in the personal information in the order form. But, when you press continue, ERROR!!!

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: crypt_password() in /home/annakayd/public_html/catalog/Order_Info_Process.php on line 345

What do I do about this? I know that it was written for an older snapshot. If it won't work with my snapshot, does anybody know where I can get one that works?


I really need help with this; you guys have been great with helping me install and configure osCommerce.

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Hi, I just downloaded the newest snapshot MS1 and the same ERROR.


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: crypt_password() in /home/annakayd/public_html/catalog/Order_Info_Process.php on line 345


I opened Order_Info_Process.php edited line 345.


'customers_password' => crypt_password($password), and change it to


'customers_password' => $password,


and it worked great for my store. :D

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Update to Purchase Without Account v0.55 "BUG FIX" for your returning customer password to work you need to take out lines 26 - 28 in login.php.


// Check that password is good

if (!validate_password($password, $check_customer['password'])) {

$HTTP_GET_VARS['login'] = 'fail';

} else {

$check_country_query = tep_db_query("select entry_country_id, entry_zone_id from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " where customers_id = '" . $check_customer['customers_id'] . "' and address_book_id = '1'");

$check_country = tep_db_fetch_array($check_country_query);




if (!validate_password($password, $check_customer['password'])) {

$HTTP_GET_VARS['login'] = 'fail';

} else

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been getting the same error with my setup. Funny thing is i did the same thing to "Fix/hack" it.....


'customers_password' => crypt_password($password), and change it to


'customers_password' => $password, <---this would be in the login.php file in the bottom half.



However, my feeling is that this opens up a security hole....if the password is not encrypted then you are sending your password in plain sight....basically across the net.


It appears the function crypt_password() may not be working working properly with this contrib.


I did try the suggested fix above, but this does not appear to fix the crypt_password problem.


I am hoping the author can shed some light on this subject as my site relys on customers not having to register if they don't want to. I would like for it to be as secure as possible without having an unencrypted password.


Thanks for any help.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm getting the same error. Like the original poster, I receive the error after choosing 'puchase without account', filling out the name and address info and pressing continue. But the customer has not submitted an account password yet, so is this even an issue?


I'm actually a little confused....the documentation shows there's a default blank password, and that you should set one for security reasons. I hadn't done this yet...what is the pass actually for?

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