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The e-commerce.

install existing database


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glad to be here. i was always curious about oscommerce, well i finally downloaded and installed it on my loclhost--

no problem. i did it becasue a friend wanted me to help him with an ecommerce site and i know a little more than he does

about web development(not much though).


anyway he has an existing product database-- how do i use his database so i do not have to re-enter all his existing products

into the new product database in os commerce.



if i had to guess at the answer i would delete the products database in os commerce and then import his product database and then add fields missing from his mysql database, but could you tell me if this is right.


has anybody done this becasue i do not want to create a whole bunch of extra work for my self trying this if it is the wrong direction.








Depending on how his database is currently structured you COULD import parts of it into OSC. However, unless his previous store was OSC, it is highly unlikely to work that way.


Without knowing anymore about his database, the only other suggestion I would have is using Easy Populate to import it. Easy Populate allows for field mapping and also allows for databases in CSV and other formats.








I've never use the contribution referred to in the last post but Easy Populate, on which it is based, will take a csv file of product information and set up products in OSC.


The only complication is that you need the first line to contain the field names that you are importing.





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thank you very much for the suggestions-- off to research this easy populate.

will come back and let you now how i faired.


thanks again,



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