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Help! New to os commerce and completely lost


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I've looked at video tutorials and tried to figure out various things but am still lost. How do I edit the homepage is my first question? I want to post just name of my store and products on it similiar to other sites I've seen. I don't know where to begin. I donot see anything in the back office. thx in advance


I've looked at video tutorials and tried to figure out various things but am still lost. How do I edit the homepage is my first question? I want to post just name of my store and products on it similiar to other sites I've seen. I don't know where to begin. I donot see anything in the back office. thx in advance



This post should help you with the basics: How Do I....


There are a lot of links I found useful when I started out in my profile.





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For links mentioned in old answers that are no longer here follow this link Useful Threads.


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Thank you so much for that link BUT when I go to the back office and click on catalog I see Catalog


Products Attributes




Products Expected


I dont see: Go to catalog/includes/languages/English/index.php

Find the following line and change it to what you want it to say


Am I in the wrong place? I logged into my oscommerce backoffice.


"catalog/includes/languages/English/index.php" refers to the actual file "index.php" located in your file structure. "catalog/includes/langauges/English" refer to directories.


You'll need to edit the "index.php" file in an html program or even in a simple text editor (such as notepad)


Kind regards,



Okay I am so lost. Guess youll can tell I am a total beginner. I need some steps that speak alittle more clearer. The computer lang has me with a hugh question mark on my head. Step one is?? Open Notepad? Step two?


Notepad isn't the best unit for dealing with PHP.


Try Edit Pad Lite its free (download.com)

PSPad again free program.


There are also many other Free PHP and Javascript code readers.



To edit a file you'll need to download the file either through the filemanger with your host, or better yet using a FTP program (again many free ones are available).


Once you download the file you'll need to open it with Edit Pad, or whatever you have, make the changes, save it, then re-upload it to the server.


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