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The e-commerce.

Very Confused


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I am in a little over my head here. I am trying to start up a new web site for a small business. I have a host, and a domain, a template for the web site, and I have installed OS Commerce. I understand that I am going to use OS Commerce to build up my product line and shipping options and payment options, etc. Where I am confused is how do I get all of that stuff into my web site?


If someone can help me, I would be forever in their debt. Please understand that I am not all that conversant in the lingo. Help needs to be kept simple (OS Commerce for Dummies?).




Log into the admin area and choose catalog. Create your product categories, then enter your products into those categories. The catalog creation is fairly simple, nothing tricky......so, use common sense and you will be fine.






Thanks Chris. I think I have a handle on the catalog process, although I'm sure there are lots of things I need to learn about it. Where I am lost is in the process of getting the catalog and other options (shipping, payments) into my website. How do I do that?






When you enter your products into the admin side, they automatically appear on the catalog side. The shipping and payments are set up in the admin side under modules. You can choose from several types of setups, including flat rates, table rates and per item fee's. In the payment end, the software comes with authorize.net and paypal as well as others, so you have some decisions to make about how you want to set it up.







Is OsCommerce already installed on your website?




Is OsCommerce already installed on your website?

No, not on my website. I downloaded it from my host company, and I have added some categories and products and shipping options, but I have not installed it on my website.




My current thinking is that I need to create my catalog completely in OS Commerce, including images, all options, etc., and then copy a whole bunch of files somewhere in my website. If so, how do I know a) what files to copy over, and, B) where exactly to copy them to? I am pretty nervous about overriding a bunch of files. I am nervous about really screwing something up.


Is it possible copy the files over to my web site and then update them directly in the web site?




If you have an existing website, then install OSC into a sub-directory. The default is /catalog. Once you have it installed, add all your products, shipping and payment information and then create a link from your existing website to OSC.





Okay, so I don't need to copy the files over or anything like that? Hmmm. How do I create that link in my website to go to OS Commerce?


Thanks for the help!!




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